time tracker

Before telling anything, I have tried Adafruit_DHT so many times and there is an error called "ImportError: cannot import name ‘Beaglebone_Black_Driver’ from ‘Adafruit_DHT’" , this gave me much pain.. and after all I searched for the solution but still couldn't find any.
But adafruit_dht module works fine..No complain!

Instead of using those module, I've simply found dht11 module.

Now, I am going to tell you what I used and why.



1. import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #pip3 install RPi.GPIO

It is a standard interface that used to connect pi with sensor DHT11. In our cases, I connect pi 1(3.3V) to DHT11(VCC), 11(GPIO-17) to DHT11(Data) and 39 to DHT(GND).

2. import dht11 #pip3 install dht11

I use its code for my project LINK HERE.

3. import time #pip3 install times

I just need it for my infinite while loop that will continuously send me the temperature and humidity. But now I am not using it.

4. from flask import Flask #pip3 install Flask

Basically, flask is a web application framework and interface that has libraries and tools to build something new. In my case, I've made a web server in Pi and with the flask interface I can see it in my laptop(I have another repository where I showed it beforeClick here to see it.)

5. from flask_restful import Resource,Api #pip3 install Flask-RESTful

I give you the link to read the documentation. It is so helpful. LINK HERE